Bailey Glasser Supports Boston’s Scleroderma Walk
Bailey Glasser is sponsoring Boston's first annual Stepping Out to Cure Scleroderma Walk, on behalf of Mary McClay, a paralegal in the firm's Boston office.
The walk is being held on October 3rd to raise money for research and to raise awareness about the disease. Scleroderma is a chronic, often progressive, autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks its own body. Scleroderma, which means 'hard skin', can cause a thickening and tightening of the skin. In some cases, it causes serious damage to internal organs including the lungs, heart, kidneys, esophagus and gastrointestinal tract.
Scleroderma affects approximately 300,000 people across the U.S. and there is no known cause or cure. It occurs almost four times more often in women than in men, and also affects children.